Call (41) 79.694.2805 or write a email. Please provide the best phone number to reach you directly, times you are available to have a private telephone conversation, and a brief purpose of the therapy sought.
Step 2: Telephone Intake
I will call you to conduct a 30 minute initial telephone intake. This call consists of a number of questions that will give me a sense of the issues your are struggling with and will give you an idea of how I work. You will have an opportunity to ask me any questions about therapy or about myself. There is no charge for this confidential conversation.
Step 3: Schedule Your First Session
If you are happy with the initial contact, you can schedule your first session. Nervous? Have a look at the helpful directions & parking guide.
Step 4: Ongoing Therapy
We will meet at the same time every week. Sessions are an hour long. As therapy progresses, and our relationship deepens we will work together on a common agreed contract. You will be as honest and open as you can and together we will uncover unconscious materiel. Through the discovery of negative repetitive patterns you will experience the freedom of exploring healthier options, gain more self acceptance, self love and experience greater flexibility in your relationships. We can always go deeper.